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Posted in Products and People, Botanicals, Markets

it was here, in the proverbial waiting room of the almost-dead, i learned of some of the 'crazy' remedies that people with no hope had resorted to and it was here my disgust for the shoddy/fake/hope-in-a-bottle-wildly-promoting-medicinal-herbs that were being pawned off on the desperate was instilled.  i vowed then and there to create something real using true plant extracts.   

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the chamomile diaries

the chamomile diaries

Posted in Products and People, Botanicals, Markets

and then the magic starts to happen ... have you ever seen a chamomile crop dancing in the wind?  well, it is a sight to behold!  the graceful habit of the plant itself and the lovely colour play of the green, lacy foliage against the cheerful white and yellow flowers blooming extravagantly is chamomile's reward.

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january photodump

january photodump

Posted in Botanicals, Markets, Products and People

i like to take pictures. i mean, i like to take a LOT of pictures. this is my chance to share my best shots, month by month. enjoy!

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great wall of grimm'sby

great wall of grimm'sby

Posted in Markets, Products and People

issa vibe

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7 amazing facts about our shampoo bars

7 amazing facts about our shampoo bars

Posted in Botanicals, Markets, Products and People

clean, naturally beautiful hair starts with a clean, naturally beautiful shampoo bar

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badger bulletin - spring 2021

badger bulletin - spring 2021

Posted in Botanicals, Markets, Products and People

"american badgers look like they're about to drag you into a back alley and pull a shiv on you to demand money for their meth habit"

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farmstand is the new curbside

farmstand is the new curbside

Posted in Botanicals, Markets, Products and People

grimsby happens to be the gateway to horticultural paradise:   the talent and traditions of its residents combined with the innate beauty of the physical geography provide endless ways to find amusing diversion.  sound enticing?  well, it all begins when you pocket the shipping fee and pick-up your order right at  our farm. 

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farmstand life

farmstand life

Posted in Botanicals, Markets, Products and People

i'll cut to the chase right up front:  farmstands provide the most transparent farm-to-consumer experience available.  if you get excited about the freshness and bounty that explodes through a farmers market then what you get from a farmstand will blow your mind!  

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the comfort of comfrey

the comfort of comfrey

Posted in Botanicals, Markets, Products and People

left to rest for a few months in the cool, dark extracts cellar, the highly desirable phytonutrients seep into the solvents and the result is heavily infused extracts ... they are a dark, mystical hue and there is no mistaking the fact that the solvents have changed dramatically and are now heavily impregnated with wonders of the comfrey root.  

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wow 2019, thank you!!!

Posted in Botanicals, Markets, Products and People

many of the people i meet is due to the fact that they have given up on mainstream personal care products and they like the idea of knowing that what they use on their bodies every day is from a trusted source.  on one hand it seems crazy that a plant-nerd like myself who finds herself floating around this farm in a state that seems so disconnected from the mainstream, that i have become the 'trusted source' for so many.

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