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bathing, botany and blackballing

bathing, botany and blackballing

there are many plants native to north america that have been used for centuries to heal. if you have ever wondered why these medical treasures are not more mainstream then you might just be interested in the story of charles whitlaw, botanist. 

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doing better

doing better

most of us know first-hand just how therapeutic it is to have amazing, healing plant extracts on our bodies as we strive to create balanced and healthy self-care habits. but, when the going gets tough and special needs have to be addressed, a long soak in a botanically infused bath is a complete game-changer. how will you change your game?

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damask daydreams

damask daydreams

growing, harvesting and processing damask roses on the niagara escarpment provides a wonderful opportunity to daydream (and nightdream, if truth be known) about the legendary history of healing that this plant provides us mere mortals

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the soap dossier

the soap dossier

if we can grasp anything from the soap-making traditions of our forebearers it must be this: washing your skin with a detergent is something you, your skin and the world does not need. the luxury of washing using plant-based oils and delicious plant-based fragrances is a daily ritual that should be cherished at every opportunity

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small farma

small farma

comfrey infused sweet almond oil is for those wanting a full-strength, unblended option for use directly on an afflicted area or as a sweet overall treat to the body in the bath

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an epic slice of botany

an epic slice of botany

the botanical world was joséphine's passion and salvation: her spirited curiosity of botany not only helped to recreate the verdant paradise of her youth at malmaison, it also helped her cope with her greatest social anxiety. today, an awkwardness exists in our remembrance of joséphine as we learn how her zeal for horticultural treasures and her formidable gift of persuasion was seriously flawed.

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